Sea Life Garden Compost

Slow-turned in-house for a potent fish waste and alder chip-based compost. 1.5 cubic feet bags, 35 lbs. each, $15.89 (tax included). The IGAP program works hard to help recycle and create this high-potency compost product. Brandon mixes fish waste with alder chips into the composter, which helps to turn the organic material, creating the…

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Native Pollinators, Plants & Gardening

Here is some valuable information from Yakutat Tlingit Tribe about pollinators, plants & gardening! What are Pollinators? Pollination is the first step that creates new generations of plants, and is the fertilization of a plant’s female organs. Pollinators are the agents which facilitate fertilization, moving pollen to the ovule of another plant. Common pollinators include…

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Local Food & Garden Resources

Sitka Local Foods Network (SLFN) – The Sitka Local Foods Network is a 501(c)3 non-profit group whose mission is to increase the amount of locally produced and harvested food in the diets of SE Alaskans. Find out more about this group at and how you can get involved as a volunteer at Sitka…

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