Our Town – December 17, 2009
Let It Rain (Sung to the Tune of “Let It Snow”) Oh, the weather is very snotty. It belongs right in the potty. We’ve no need to complain. Let it rain, Let it rain, Let it rain. Oh, the Yule is oft pictured frigid, But we mustn’, get too rigid. It’s not so much of…
Let It Rain
(Sung to the Tune of “Let It Snow”)
Oh, the weather is very snotty.
It belongs right in the potty.
We’ve no need to complain.
Let it rain, Let it rain, Let it rain.
Oh, the Yule is oft pictured frigid,
But we mustn’, get too rigid.
It’s not so much of a pain.
Let it rain, Let it rain, Let it rain.
When we finally get dried out,
In our sweet little burg by the sea,
There’s no need to fly way Down South.
In Our Town we’re happy to be.
Oh please don’t make me blubber,
While I swath my bod in rubber.
And sing with me this refrain:
“Let it rain, Let it rain, Let it rain.”
Xtra Tuf Boots
(Sung to the tune of “Jingle Bell Rock”)
XtraTuf, XtraTuf, XtraTufboots,
Footwear of choice of Sitka galoots.
Neoprene-coated and shiny and spry,
On them you’ll rely.
If your calf’s thin,
You just step in
And keep that damp at bay.
If your calf’s fat,
Well then, that’s that.
You’ll have to keep ’em dry another way.
Roll ’em down, slice ’em up
‘ccording to taste.
They work as slippers, too.
They are ubiquitous.
Hope they aren’t quittin’ us.
That’s the XtraTuf —
They are really skookum stuff –
That’s the XtraTufboots.
Rudy the Old-Time Troller
(Sung to the tune of “Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer”)
Rudy, the old-time troller,
Hated electronic gear.
He did not trust depictions
Not made by his eye or ear.
All of the other trollers,
Peering at their laptop screens,
They all considered Rudy’s
Predilections full of beans.
Then one night of woeful gale,
“Rude,” the trollers pled,
“We come to you beckoning,
Won’t you use dead reckoning?”
So Rudy led the trollers
Through the worst of Dead Boat Pass,
But when thcy went to thank him,
He said “Kiss my GPS!”