Our Town – July 16, 2009
The Soupster dialed XYX-QYZQ and waited for his friend Chuck to pick up the phone. “Hello,” said a female voice. “Marcie?” said the Soupster, recognizing her voice. “Soupster?” said Marcie. “Ooops, wrong number. I was calling Chuck about his kayak,” the Soupster said. “So, what are you doing?” “Well, I’m very glad to be back…
The Soupster dialed XYX-QYZQ and waited for his friend Chuck to pick up the phone.
“Hello,” said a female voice.
“Marcie?” said the Soupster, recognizing her voice.
“Soupster?” said Marcie.
“Ooops, wrong number. I was calling Chuck about his kayak,” the Soupster said. “So, what are you doing?”
“Well, I’m very glad to be back from a trip to the Real World,” said Marcie. “I had the weird experience of seeing a Sandra Bullock movie that was supposed to be happening in Our Town.”
“The Proposal?” asked the Soupster.
“I’m sitting in the audience in some gigantaplex theater that my grandmother, of all people, dragged me to,” continued Marcie, “and there’s Sandra Bullock in Our Town all recreated in Massachusetts. They had some aerial shots from here, at least. Granny was thrilled and told everybody she could that her granddaughter was actually from that town.”
“What is it about Our Town that so fires up people’s imaginations?” The Soupster asked his friend before hanging up and dialing XYX-QZYQ,”
“Hello?” a male voice answered – but not Chuck’s.
“Gene?” said the Soupster, again recognizing the answeree. “I’m supposed to be calling Chuck. I can’t believe I dialed the wrong number twice.”
“No problemo, amigo.” Gene said. “I’m just here flicking my newest DVD. Who’d you call the first time?”
“Marcie,” said the Soupster. “Who was just telling me she saw Our Town depicted in a movie when she was Down South.”
“Bingo, Bubba,” Gene said. “I’m here watching this Gregory Peck movie from the Fifties that just so happens to share a locale with The Proposal.”
“The World in His Arms,” he continued. “Monsieur Peckorino is a San Francisco sea captain who pursues a Russian Princess to the fair shores of Our Town, including a downtown chase on horseback – except there are trees all over – and a daring rescue from a forced marriage in St. Michael’s – except it’s the size of the Tacoma Dome.”
“What is it about Our Town,” said the Soupster, “that so fires up people’s imagination?”
“Gotta go,” said Gene, “Ann Blyth is about to marry an evil count at the enormous St. Michael’s!”
When the Soupster finally got Chuck on the line and told him about the wrong numbers, his friend was sympathetic.
“Easy mistake to make,” Chuck said. “My number is XYX-ZQYQ”
“So what is it about Our Town that so fires up people’s imaginations?” the Soupster asked Chuck.
“Dunno,” his friend said, “I’m too worried about all the pedestrians who may get stuck in the center island of the new Roundabout. It’s okay now, but what about winter, or October? Now, what I think they should do is take out all that landscaping and put in a survival shelter which is equipped with wireless and a satellite phone link and …”