Our Town – March 28, 2013
Is there such a thing as too much help?
Is there such a thing as too much help?
“Hey, Buddy. Good to see you.”
“How’s life, Soupster?”
“How is life? How can you ask such a question?”
“I am fixin’ to leave this dang town.”
“Oh no, Buddy. Why do you want to leave Our Town?”
“I just have to, Soupster. It seems that nobody can mind their own beeswax. They are always sticking their nose into my business.”
“Whoa, there! It is a small town and it is spring and it is foggy and you know we just use each other for entertainment this time of year. Just what is this business you are talking about, Buddy?”
“Soupster. Everybody is just too dang nice.”
“Did I hear that right? TOO NICE? What is wrong with that?”
“Do you remember when the doc told me to walk at least twenty minutes every day?”
“Yes, I do and I do see you out there sometimes.”
“You got it, Soupster. Sometimes is right. It seems every time I get my shoes on and start out I can’t get more than a half block from home and somebody stops to give me a ride back home. I explain what I’m doing and turn them down but there is always another do-gooder neighborly sort right behind them. Finally, I give up and get all my exercise crawling in and out of cars. As soon as they drop me off and pull away I start out again. I haven’t made it a full block all week.”
“They are such good and kind people, Buddy.”
“Well. That is not my only problem Soupster.”
“Do tell me more.”
“Well you know how my Taurus is always leaking. The trunk is real swampy so on nice days I leave the trunk lid standing open so it will dry out.”
“Does it work?”
“Not hardly. Some do-goody has to walk by and close the lid. I even took it to the airport, thinking it would work out better there with all the strangers coming and going but I hadn’t even finished one cup of coffee before it was shut tight. And there’s more, Soupster.”
“All the young ‘uns are now helping me up the curb and stairs even when I don’t want to go. They also stop and wait to help me cross the road when I don’t want to. I just want to stand in the yard and watch the birds. We caused quite the back-up at the round-a-bout yesterday.”
“Buddy, please don’t leave Our Town. Wait until the weather turns for the better and all the tourists come back. The nice people will get over it and barely have time to bother with you.”
Submitted by Rose Manning