IPD 2023 program cover_square

Indigenous Peoples Day Planning

Seeking Help for October 14th Event


If you are an individual or a group who would like to be involved in Sitka’s IPD 2024, to be celebrated on Monday, October 14th – in planning or participation – you are invited to attend the IPD planning sessions, held every Thursday afternoon at 3pm at UAS Sitka (room 106 or room 230) and online via Zoom.

  • If you would like to be included in the email group and get meeting notices and minutes, email Christine Galiza at acgaliza@alaska.edu. You may also spontaneously attend any of the Thursday planning meetings – to be held on August 29; September 5, 12, 19, 26; and October 3.
  • Help is still needed in the areas of:  food planning & preparation, performances, breakout sessions, youth & family activities, and merchandise planning. For further information, please contact Martina at info@safv.org.

Many, many groups (and individuals) helped with planning and putting on last year’s IPD event, including: the Sitka Kaagwaantaan Dancers, the BMS Tlingit Violin Group, Outer Coast students & staff, Sitka Tribe Social Services, the No. Amer. Arctic Sports Hall-of-Famer Kyle Ḵaayák’w Worl, SJ Museum staff and October Artist-in-Residence, Youth Advocates of Sitka, Sitka Sound Science Center staff & interns, MEHS students & alums, SHS Barkarda Filipino Culture Club, and the director, faculty and staff of UAS Sitka. And many more! Gunalchéesh to all – it would not have been possible without you!

Ed. note:  Images above and below show the 2023 IPD Program Cover.