Our Town – October 18, 2012

“Emery!” the Soupster called, glancing up from the outboard he was hunched over. The cyclist screeched to a halt. “Hey, Soupster! How’s it going?” she asked cheerfully. “Havin’ trouble with my starter,” the Soupster said, standing up with one hand on the engine and the other supporting his lower back. ”And this drizzle ain’t helping my…

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Our Town – October 4, 2012

Born into the Real World in the first half of the last century, Renny was the youngest of an extremely large brood – 11 kids all told. And though the oldest brother was practically out of the house by the time Renny arrived on the scene, the remaining siblings kept their four-room family apartment chock…

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Our Town – September 20, 2012

Originally Published October 21, 2004 The Soupster’s rump itched. He squirmed in his seat. Pay attention! he told himself. On the stage at the packed political meeting the Soupster attended, two familiar Alaskans debated the future of Our Town. Everyone was rapt to what was happening on stage, but the Soupster worried people could see…

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Our Town – September 6, 2012

The Soupster and his friend Greta sat face-to-face on two hemlock stumps, chomping on jars of her latest batch of smoked sockeye and shooting the breeze. “So you didn’t vote in the primary,” Greta said accusingly. “I forgot,” sighed a sheepish Soupster. He chewed his fish silently. “It’s sometimes hard to remember that politics matters.”…

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Our Town – August 23, 2012

After enduring a somewhat sketch marriage in her twenties, 34-year-old Annie was basically glad she had the romantic gumption to follow her heart and a charismatic fisherman to Our Town. But it gnawed at her that she had left a job as a retail store manager and could not find the equivalent employment here. Especially…

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Our Town – August 9, 2012

“I love this `Coast Guard Alaska’ show,” Zach said, sprawling in the magnificence of his basement man-cave. The Soupster generally avoided subterranean structures of any kind, but he had to admit Zach’s man-digs were powerfully comfy. Heavily stuffed chairs and a still more heavily stuffed couch. A wet bar, a microwave and a big stocked…

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Our Town – July 26, 2012

One Sunday morning in Our Town Mollie Papillion woke up thinking, “I’m in the mood for pancakes.” She walked into her kitchen and began looking for the ingredients, but soon discovered that she was out of eggs. She glanced at the clock and saw that it was only 6:00 a.m., which seemed a little too…

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