Our Town – November 29, 2012

“Do you know,” said Rocky to the Soupster, whom he had trapped in the supermarket’scanned-beans-and-tomato aisle, “that when they recently measured the major U.S. cities to see which was the laziest, they counted how many people wear sweatpants?” “Couldn’t those people just be returning from the gym?” the Soupster asked. Rocky reached forward and vigorously…

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Our Town – November 15, 2012

Our Town resident Chauncey Whelan was riding his bicycle down Lake Street when he happened to glance over and saw a large dog chasing the ducks at the lake. “For Heaven’s sake,” he thought. “I need to go over there and break that up.” Being a good citizen, Chauncey stopped, got off his bike and started to…

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Our Town – November 1, 2012

Only 25 and Tim felt he was in a whole second life. He, alone, had to take care of 16-month-old Hazel as a single Dad for the next three days. Three days could be 30 diapers that would need changing. Could be more than 30. He shuddered. That morning, Tim’s wife Gretchen left town on…

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Our Town – October 18, 2012

“Emery!” the Soupster called, glancing up from the outboard he was hunched over. The cyclist screeched to a halt. “Hey, Soupster! How’s it going?” she asked cheerfully. “Havin’ trouble with my starter,” the Soupster said, standing up with one hand on the engine and the other supporting his lower back. ”And this drizzle ain’t helping my…

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Our Town – October 4, 2012

Born into the Real World in the first half of the last century, Renny was the youngest of an extremely large brood – 11 kids all told. And though the oldest brother was practically out of the house by the time Renny arrived on the scene, the remaining siblings kept their four-room family apartment chock…

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Our Town – September 20, 2012

Originally Published October 21, 2004 The Soupster’s rump itched. He squirmed in his seat. Pay attention! he told himself. On the stage at the packed political meeting the Soupster attended, two familiar Alaskans debated the future of Our Town. Everyone was rapt to what was happening on stage, but the Soupster worried people could see…

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