Our Town – February 25, 2010

Munching cookies and waiting in line at one of his favorite downtown banks, the Soupster saw his old neighbor Kurt. “Kurt, are those new duds you are wearing?” inquired the Soupster, eyeing his friend’s bright pink-and-green flowered shirt and yellow cotton slacks. “Well, yes, Soupster, they are new, but how could you tell?” “They don’t…

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Our Town – February 11, 2010

“I like living in Our Town,” said the Knik Canuck — who previously hailed from Vancouver and Anchorage. “I like it plenty – A to Zed.” He and the Soupster had met up on Lincoln Street earlier and strolled together, heading east. “Zed?” said an incredulous Soupster. “Don’t you mean zee? A to Zee?” “You say toe-may-toe and…

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Our Town – December 17, 2009

Let It Rain (Sung to the Tune of “Let It Snow”) Oh, the weather is very snotty. It belongs right in the potty. We’ve no need to complain. Let it rain, Let it rain, Let it rain. Oh, the Yule is oft pictured frigid, But we mustn’, get too rigid. It’s not so much of…

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Our Town – December 3, 2009

On the road as he drove toward downtown, not one single motorist pulled out in front of the Soupster and made him slow sharply, only to have the car turn off the road a block or two later. That’s odd, thought the Soupster, as he pulled into the supermarket lot to buy Cheerios and milk.…

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Our Town – November 19, 2009

Crouching from the driving wind and rain, the Soupster had to peer between a nearly solid wall of advertising flyers (for fairs, concerts and meetings) covering the door and window to see if the shop was still open. Good, the light was on and the Soupster could see another customer in the aisle. Father Time…

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Our Town – November 5, 2009

Through his kitchen window, the Soupster saw Madeline coming his way and stiffened. He wasn’t sure how he stood these days with his cross-the-street neighbor, but he knew Madeline didn’t usually steer his way for anything but business. He went out the door to meet her. Madeline was one tough cookie. Madeline had a Rottweiler,…

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Our Town – October 22, 2009

Originally published October 16, 2003 “Ouch,” said the Soupster, as Dr. Gwen pulled on his arm to examine the skin above his elbow. “Don’t yank it off, Doc!” “You’re a baby,” chided Dr. Gwen, hiking up the Soupster’s sleeve to get a better look. “But I’m glad you came to see me. Moles can signal…

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Our Town – October 8, 2009

The Soupster plopped onto the bench outside Harrigan Centennial Hall Building to rest his aching dogs (feet), swelling inside his normally spacious clogs. Combating Global Warming by walking more helped his heart and reduced his carbon footprint, the Soupster thought, but it seemed to be increasing his regular footprint. A man and two women spilled…

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Our Town – September 24, 2009

My old dog, Grizzly, and I round the corner in the park and I spy the Soupster sitting on a bench. I sit beside him as Grizzly sniffs some Cow Parsnip. “Hey, Soupster, you like old dogs or young dogs better?” He reaches over to scratch Grizzly on the head, causing both of them to…

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Our Town – September 10, 2009

The Soupster snapped his fingers. “The Canuck will know,” he said out loud, although he stood alone in his kitchen late one evening. “The Knik Canuck will know!” The Soupster stepped over to the phone and dialed his south-of-the-Alaska border buddy. The Knik Canuck had moved to Our Town from Vancouver, B.C. via Anchorage and…

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Our Town – August 27, 2009

“I don’t even need to leave my front door to find entertainment in Our Town,” the Soupster thought to herself, raising her eyebrows in surprise as husband waltzed into the kitchen, belting out a tune on his pretend trumpet. “Austin Powers” he proclaimed, resuming the one-line song as he turned on the Kitchen Aid. The…

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Our Town – August 13, 2009

Originally published October 5, 2000 “I hate October! It rains all the time with big wet drops!” wailed the pre-schooler, balanced on the Soupster’s knee. “I WISH THERE WAS NO OCTOBER EVER AND EVER MORE!” “Don’t say that,” hushed the Soupster. “If October went away, you would be very sad.” “No, I wouldn’t!” protested the…

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Our Town – July 30, 2009

The Soupster hoped the drizzling rain would keep the tourists downtown in the stores of Our Town and not out walking in the Park. The Soupster likes the Park better when it’s quiet. But understands that, for many tourists, this is the one day in their life they can visit The Park of Our Town.…

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Our Town – July 16, 2009

The Soupster dialed XYX-QYZQ and waited for his friend Chuck to pick up the phone. “Hello,” said a female voice. “Marcie?” said the Soupster, recognizing her voice. “Soupster?” said Marcie. “Ooops, wrong number. I was calling Chuck about his kayak,” the Soupster said. “So, what are you doing?” “Well, I’m very glad to be back…

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Our Town – July 2, 2009

The Soupster was (yet again) marveling at the beauty of the view from the rear of Our Town’s library. Tsk, tsk, so many gorgeous views in Our Town and so little time. The Soupster always did his best to stop and smell the coffee – even if it sometimes turned out to be tea. He…

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