Head Start Enrollment 2024-25
In Sitka & Southeast Alaska
Head Start is a nationwide, federally funded program that promotes school readiness by enhancing the social, physical and cognitive development of children. Head Start is provided at no cost to enrolled families and accepts children ages 3-5 years old.
- SE Communities served: Angoon, Craig, Hoonah, Juneau, Klawock, Petersburg, Saxman, Sitka, Wrangell and Yakutat.
- See classrooms in various communities: ccthita.org/services/family/headstart/
- Enroll now at tinyurl.com/2024HeadStartEnroll.
- Read more at https://www.ccthita.org/services/family/headstart/
- Or, for additional info., contact Tlingit & Haida Head Start at (907) 463-7127 or email headstartenrollment@tlingitandhaida.gov.